Did you know that both the HD remaster of the Zelda classic Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword were not developed in Japan but in Australia ? At that time, Tantalus Media was commissioned by Nintendo to refresh the games and publish them for Wii U or, in the case of Skyward Sword , for Nintendo Switch . Almost all Wii U exclusive games have now been ported to the hybrid console, but the two Zelda HD remasters are still missing.
Tantalus CEO Tom Crago has now confirmed in an interview that the studio has not received a request from Nintendo to port The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD to Nintendo Switch. However, the Australian developers would jump at the opportunity if the Japanese company placed the order.Citation
No [we weren’t asked about porting the game], and of course we would, but that’s not a priority for Nintendo – at least not in the conversations they’ve had with us.
The way we work with our friends there is that we take every opportunity to work on one of their titles. There is a constant dialogue between our two companies. Oftentimes, a little time elapses between games and other ideas are discussed, but in the case of Skyward Sword, some time passed and then the email came: “Would you be interested in bringing Skyward Sword to the [Nintendo] Switch ?’ The answer, of course, was, ‘Yes, we would be.’ And then we talked to Nintendo about what that might look like, and finally we got going. So it was similar in many ways to how Twilight Princess (on Wii U) came about.