Category Archives: Science

Skin for Robots

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Skin for Robots – Researchers Develop ‘Human’ Skin from Living Cells

It may sound like science fiction, but it could soon become a reality. Apparently, Japanese researchers have attempted to mimic human skin to make artificial faces appear more natural. Researchers at the University of Tokyo are currently working on developing artificial skin from living cells. Although the results so far still seem quite bizarre, the research team is optimistic that they will soon be able to construct convincingly realistic humanoid robots with self-healing skin.

The artificial skin closely resembles human skin. It is not only soft, but it is also capable of self-repairing when damaged. This is explained by the scientists in their article, which they recently published. However, the concept of human robot skin does not yet seem to be fully developed. In particular, there appear to be difficulties with affixing the artificial skin to a suitable surface. Human skin is connected to underlying structures by tiny strands of flexible collagen and elastin. This is difficult to artificially replicate, as constructing a robot body would be too complex. Instead, the research team attempted to attach the artificial skin using small hooks as anchors. This attempt, however, eventually failed as the hooks tore out of the artificial skin.

Artificial Skin Not Just for Robots

In the meantime, the scientists have come up with some new methods. They have drilled numerous tiny holes into the surface of the robot to attach the artificial skin. They used a gel containing collagen as an adhesive, which fundamentally mimics human connective tissue.

However, it will still be a long road before we actually see the artificial skin on robots. The research team suspects that it will take many years before the technology can be implemented in practice. Project leader Shoji Takeuchi emphasized that another significant challenge is creating human facial expressions by integrating advanced actuators or muscles inside the robot.

In the future, the development of artificial skin could benefit not only robots. It could also be useful for researching skin aging, for cosmetics, and surgical procedures, including plastic surgery.”

Future Car Sales

Image by, The Automobile Industry and Car Sales

The Automobile Industry and Car Sales: The Transformation of the last decade. Significant changes by technological advancements.

The last decade has witnessed a seismic shift in the automobile industry and car sales business. This period has been marked by significant changes, driven by technological advancements, environmental concerns, and evolving consumer preferences.

Image by, The Automobile Industry and Car Sales: A Decade of Transformation of the last decade

The Rise of Electric Vehicles (EVs)

One of the most notable changes has been the rise of electric vehicles (EVs). A decade ago, EVs were a niche market, largely dominated by Tesla. However, concerns over climate change and advancements in battery technology have propelled EVs into the mainstream. Major manufacturers like Volkswagen, General Motors, and Ford have committed to electrifying their fleets, signaling a paradigm shift in automotive technology.

The Impact of Autonomous Driving

Autonomous driving technology has also made significant strides. While fully autonomous cars are still on the horizon, semi-autonomous features like Tesla’s Autopilot and GM’s Super Cruise have started changing the way we think about driving. This technology not only promises to improve safety but also has implications for car ownership and urban design.

The Digitalization of Car Sales

The car sales business has undergone a digital revolution. Online sales platforms and virtual showrooms have become increasingly popular, a trend accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Dealerships are now focusing on digital experiences, offering virtual test drives and online financing options, making car buying more accessible and convenient.

Sustainability and Manufacturing Innovations

Sustainability has become a central focus in car manufacturing. Automakers are not only developing more fuel-efficient and lower-emission vehicles but are also adopting sustainable manufacturing practices. The use of recycled materials and the pursuit of carbon-neutral factories reflect a broader shift towards environmental responsibility in the industry.

Cryptocurrency Revolution

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Cryptocurrency: A Revolution in Digital Finance

In recent years, the financial landscape has witnessed a dramatic transformation with the rise of cryptocurrencies. These digital assets have taken the world by storm because of promising to reshape the way we conduct financial transactions, invest and even think about money. The story of cryptocurrencies begins with the creation of Bitcoin in 2009 by an anonymous entity known as Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin introduced the concept of a decentralized, peer-to-peer digital currency and powered by blockchain technology.

Key Features of Cryptocurrencies
  1. Decentralization: Cryptocurrencies are not controlled by any central authority, making them resistant to censorship and manipulation.
  2. Security: Transactions are secured through cryptographic techniques, making it extremely difficult for malicious actors to tamper with the system.
  3. Transparency: Blockchain technology records all transactions on a public ledger, ensuring transparency and accountability.
  4. Accessibility: Cryptocurrencies are accessible to anyone with an internet connection, opening up financial opportunities for the unbanked and underbanked populations.
Impact on Traditional Finance
  1. Reduced Transaction Costs: Cryptocurrency transactions often come with lower fees compared to traditional banking systems.
  2. Financial Inclusion: Cryptocurrencies can provide access to financial services for the billions of people worldwide so the traditional banking system can not exclude them.
  3. Innovation: The blockchain technology underlying cryptocurrencies has sparked innovation in various industries, such as supply chain management, healthcare, and voting systems.
  4. Investment Opportunities: Cryptocurrencies have become an attractive asset class for investors, offering the potential for high returns and diversification.
Key Players in the Cryptocurrency Revolution
  1. Bitcoin (BTC): The original cryptocurrency and so the most recognized. It serves as digital gold and a store of value.
  2. Ethereum (ETH): Known for its smart contract functionality, Ethereum has enabled the development of decentralized applications (DApps).
  3. Binance Coin (BNB): The native token of the Binance exchange and is one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.
  4. Cardano (ADA): Known for its focus on sustainability, scalability and interoperability in blockchain technology.
Image by Cryptocurrency Revolution
Image by Cryptocurrency Revolution

AI beats drone champion

Image: Artificial Intelligence, AI (Inteligencia artificial), via: pixabay, by: geralt.

AI beats drone world champion. The AI drone has defeated the human opponents and beat their best times by far. The AI ​​could only be beaten under changing conditions.

Who flies faster: humans or artificial intelligence (AI)? A team from the University of Zurich (UZH) and Intel has developed an AI that can control drones. Among other things, she had to compete with the world champion in the drone race and in shows: AI beats world champion.

Swift is the name of the AI ​​system. A AI system that the UZH team used to compete against the world’s best drone pilots: Alex Vanover, 2019 Drone Racing League Champion, Thomas Bitmatta, who became the MultiGP Drone Racing Champion in the same year, and Marvin Schaepper, three-time Swiss champion . At speeds of more than 100 km/h.

Thy flew a total of 25 races. The result was clear: Swift drone AI beats word champion challenger 15 times. The best time of the AI ​​pilot was half a second below that of the best human pilot. The team describes the results in the journal Nature.

AI beats world champion but humans are more adaptable

As long as the conditions stayed the way Swift had trained them, the AI ​​system had the edge. However, if the conditions changed, for example if it was too bright, then people could adapt better to the changed situation.

In complex games like chess or Go, AI has long been superior to humans. “Physical sports are more challenging for AI because they are less predictable than board or video games , ” said Davide Scaramuzza , head of the robotics and cognition group at UZH.

However, the drone races were not an end in themselves: Swift is intended to pilot drones in research or disaster missions, for example, where speed is important. “Drones have limited battery capacity; they use most of their energy to stay aloft. If we fly faster, we increase their usefulness ,” said Scaramuzza. “In applications such as forest surveillance or space exploration, this is important to cover large areas in a short time. In the film industry, fast autonomous drones could be used to capture action scenes. Last but not least, a high flight speed can make a crucial difference in rescue operations – for example with drones that are sent into a burning building.

Breakthrough: X-ray image of a single atom

Researchers have succeeded in X-raying a single atom by using special machines. So they produced a x-ray image of a single atom. In doing so, they were able to bypass the minimum number of atoms. So they created an elementary fingerprint of different atoms.

Ohio University College Green Ohio University Orchysterium, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A research team from Ohio University has succeeded in creating an X-ray image of a single atom. This is the first time and a breakthrough. In this way, the researchers working with professor Saw-Wai Hla are gaining insight into the composition of atoms for the first time.

They report their findings in a study published in the journal Nature. In fact, the project even graces the cover of the journal’s print version, according to an Ohio University article .

This is a potentially huge breakthrough for the world of science. “Atoms can be routinely imaged with scanning probe microscopes, but without X-rays you can’t tell what they’re made of. We can now accurately identify the nature of a given atom, one atom at a time, and at the same time measure its chemical state,” explained Hla.

Signal from the atoms too weak

A minimum number of atoms is required for normal X-ray machines to be able to scan them. This is currently at an attogram, which corresponds to around 10,000 atoms or more.

To be able to X-ray a single atom, the researchers used a purpose-built synchrotron X-ray instrument at the XTIP beamline at Advanced Photon Source and the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne National Laboratory.

For demonstration purposes, the team studied an iron atom and a terbium atom. Using the synchrotron X-ray method, the researchers were then able to identify the elementary fingerprint of the atoms. So she could only determine what it was about one atom.

Science is revolutionized

“The technique used and the concept demonstrated in this study broke new ground in X-ray science and nanoscale studies,” said Tolulope Michael Ajayi, the study’s first author.

“In addition, the use of X-rays to detect and characterize individual atoms could revolutionize research and bring about new technologies in areas such as quantum information and trace element detection in environmental and medical research, to name a few. This success also paves the way for advanced materials science instruments.”

The X-ray of a single atom opens up completely new possibilities for research in many areas. Many future technologies or materials could be based on this research.