We not only write about IT, technology, science, and entertainment, we are deeply passionate about these fields and delve into the financial underpinnings of the tech industry. Our blog is a hands-on exploration of the latest gadgets and technological innovations. We test, tinker, and toy with new technologies, striving to explain complex concepts with clarity and journalistic integrity. Our expertise across various tech domains empowers us to provide well-informed perspectives and maintain a critical eye.
Our commitment extends beyond mere reporting. We actively engage with technology, using our curiosity to drive rigorous investigations and fact-checking. We consistently look beyond the conventional view, constantly scanning the horizon for the next big thing in tech. Our mission is to serve as trusted advocates for our readers, guiding them through the rapidly evolving digital landscape with reliable information and insightful analysis. Whether it’s breaking down the latest AI breakthrough, dissecting a blockbuster video game, or predicting tech industry trends, we aim to be the first and most thorough in our coverage. Join us as we explore all that technology has to offer, from Silicon Valley to Silicon Alley and beyond.
E-Mail: info@Tex9.net
Website: TeX9.net
Adress: Darmstr. 23
City: Darmstadt
ZIP-Code: 64287
Country: Germany
Our Team:
Frat Wenzel
Judith Winter
Raphael Berg